
Alex Alexander

I talk about what is working (and not working) in our friendships. Together we're rewriting the rules of friendship. || 🎙️ Host of the Friendship IRL Podcast. || 📕 Book releasing in 2024

Ready to join a club where we get real about the joys and challenges of friendship? A place where we can have those raw, unfiltered conversations about what it takes to build and maintain meaningful connections? Well, you've just found your people! Welcome to "The Less Lonely Club" newsletter! 🎉 ➡️ 👋🏻 Hang out with me, Alex (@itsalexalexander), as I share my own journey, insights, and "aha" moments that will have you looking at friendship in a whole new way. Sign up now because rewriting the rules of friendship is a team effort – and I need your help to make it happen! 📲 [ The Less Lonely Club is released every Tuesday. Signup for access to all past issues. ]

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"Have you traveled with these friends before?"

We're heading out of town later this week, traveling with some friends to Mexico City. The excitement is real! We haven't even left yet, and we're already considering another trip together later this year. It's funny, though. Whenever I mention that we're traveling with friends, there's always this slight hesitation followed by the inevitable question: "Have you traveled with these friends before?" I totally get where they're coming from. Traveling can bring up all sorts of interesting...

9 days ago • 3 min read

A few weeks ago, I woke up feeling off, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. Was I feeling anxious? Was it something else entirely? None of the answers I came up with felt right. After a long day of reflection, it hit me: I’m feeling lonely. [Watch the video] It’s a strange realization to have—even though you have social interactions throughout your day, they don’t quite satisfy your need for connection. By the way, Isolation is very different from loneliness; in fact, I did an episode...

16 days ago • 4 min read

You know that moment when a friend asks, 'What's new with you?' and you scramble for an answer because you don't feel like your life is worth sharing? Yeah, I've been there, too. Recently, Michael and I were on a phone call with a friend, and we were super engaged in asking him all about his life - his week, his family's recent trip, their upcoming move, and his kid's new school. After a while, our friend turned the tables and said, "What's new with you two?" Michael and I looked at each...

about 1 month ago • 4 min read

Hey Reader,I apologize for falling silent in this space for a while. My mission of reframing how we all approach friendship has remained constant - but as more opportunities landed on my plate in 2023, my newsletter fell by the wayside. Introducing... "The Less Lonely Club." All the content will be pretty similar - insights and ideas to strengthen your friendships. But I hope this new name reflects my goal for this newsletter: Friendship feels less overwhelming the more we talk about it,...

3 months ago • 2 min read
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